R&D Projects

Thanks to the developed competencies of our team and its recognized authority in the professional environment, SLS Prime Technology works with customers as a co-executor of R&D in the field of laser physics and technology.

As a rule, the customers of such R&D projects are research centers and industrial enterprises.

To complete such projects in a short time and always at a high professional level, SLS Prime Technology has everything necessary:

  •  unique team of technical specialists: physicists and engineers with experience in designing equipment for scientific, industrial and medical applications;
  • a modern, well-equipped laboratory & production base and established production relationships with suppliers around the world
  • qualified managers with successful management experience within the framework of large scientific and technical projects.

Our employees have extensive experience in creating unique laser systems for the UV range, mid- and far (from 3 μm to 20 μm) IR ranges, successfully operating in European research centers.

If you are looking for a reliable partner for R&D project in the field of physics and technology of solid-state lasers, we will be happy to discuss the challenges you are facing and offer you a partnership in solving them.

Contact us today

Tell us about your challenges and your requirements for a laser system. We will be happy to discuss possible configurations with you and offer the best solution for your unique tasks. Please send us a message by completing the form below.