Amethyst 355/532

Laser systems based on OPO

Spectral range: 210 nm – 2500 nm
Pulse energy: up to 250 mJ
Pulse repetition rate: up to 100 Hz

The AMETHYST platform is a laser source with a tunable wavelength, developed on the basis of an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and a pump laser integrated into a single housing.

The AMETHYST design allows to create flexible configurations and optimize the laser system parameters to meet your specific needs.

The basic AMETHYST configuration includes an OPO module and a Nd:YAG laser. Our model range offers lasers that provide tunable laser radiation with a pulse energy up to 250 mJ and a pulse repetition rate up to 100 Hz.

  • UV to IR tuning range
  • High energy and pulse repetition rate
  • Flexible configurations
  • Automated wavelength tuning
  • Easy integration and control


A wide range of options allows you to supplement the basic configuration with harmonic generation modules for the visible and UV spectrum ranges, spectral range selection modules and laser power attenuators.

Automated wavelength tuning and an automated laser power attenuator create additional convenience in operation and allow you to easily integrate the AMETHYST into complex laboratory & measuring systems.

The specified parameters of the AMETHYST are implemented without excessive pumping intensities. In combination with a mechanically stable positioning system for optical elements this ensures long-term and trouble-free operation without distracting the user from routine laser maintenance.

Model AMETHIST 355-1 AMETHIST 355-2 AMETHIST 532-2
Wavelength, nm 355 355 532
Phase matching type I II II
Tuning range, nm Signal wave 410…680 410…710 680…1064
Idle wave 730…2500 710…2500 1064…2500
Second harmonic 210…420 340…680
Conversion efficiency, % Signal wave 1) 30 20 25
Idle wave 1) 10 10 10
Second harmonic 2) 10 10
Divergence, mrad 3) <10 <2 <2
Spectral width of the generation line 3), cm-1 10…200 4…6 6…8
Polarization signal wave: horizontal
idle wave: horizontal
second harmonic: vertical
signal wave: horizontal
idle wave: vertical
second harmonic: vertical

The specification is a subject to change without notice.

1) At the maximum of the tuning curve. Measured relative to the pump laser pulse energy.

2) At the maximum of the tuning curve. Measured relative to the signal wave pulse energy.

3) Dependent on the lasing wavelength.

Типичная перестроечная кривая ПГС модели AMETHYST 355-1
Typical tuning curve of the OPO (AMETHYST 355-1)
Типичная перестроечная кривая ПГС модели AMETHYST 355-2
Typical tuning curve of the OPO (AMETHYST 355-2)
Типичная перестроечная кривая ПГС модели AMETHYST 532-2
Typical tuning curve of the OPO (AMETHYST 532-2)

Please contact us o discuss the required specification if you have not found a suitable model. Our considerable experience and knowledge provide opportunities to design and manufacture laser systems with specified laser radiation characteristics in the wavelength range from 0.21 to 20 μm.

  • Ablation
  • LIBS
  • Shockwave generation
  • Photochemistry
  • Pumping
  • Material Processing
  • Laser Ultrasonic